<body> My World of Dreams & Wishes-
...About Me

Lim Jia Min
14 yrs
Methodist Girls' School
7th January.

...Wish List

Good Results


Rebeka abbot
1 Oreo
joy(her current one)
Yi Hui
Cheryl Sng
liz tan and friends
Steph. G
Ruth choy
6.4 blog!!!:D
this blog's sister site
elena(senior squashie)


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    ...Hall of Fame

    made by LIM JIA MIN & ANNE TAN the genius:D Haha so cute! I love you anne tan!

    Thursday, July 31, 2008
    -7:52 PM-

    Hey JIA JIA LIANG CHA Friend!!! lifes fine...i think...hows your life???and yes! i finally have time to blog too!!!! i bet nobody had the thime to blog during the last few weeks lah! and eldora you must bring me along too!!!! even if you dao JIA, must bring ME, me the great friend along ah!!!! all of us must watch the twillight movie together!!!! MUST ah! haha! ok....im hungry!!!! ans wee! im going to eat now!!!! tata people! people who visit this blog (:

    The Greatest Friend in the WORLD was HERE (:


    Monday, July 14, 2008
    -8:22 PM-

    Hello Anne Tan!! Whatsup how's life? YAy, I finally got the time to blog:D Oh yeah, eldora, I am SOOOOOOO sorry that I'm taking such a loooooooooooooooooong time to read eclipse. Talking about eclipse, REMEMBER, WE MUST GO WATCH TWILIGHT TOGETHER WHEN IT COMES OUT OK???? :D I can't wait. SO exciting! HAha. Oh, got to go now. BYE :D


    Thursday, May 08, 2008
    -9:17 PM-

    Haha! no lah i tell you there will be people who will go and visit your blog and you're welcome lim jia min :) and im gonna post now. hehe. first, todays going through of answers for the science mid-years were disasterous!!!! oh my goodness!!!! mrs low and lam were so angry lah!!!....anyway forgetting the unhappy things, you guys should should go watch the SHOWDOWN on channel 5! it's so cool and funny!!!! hahahaha! anyway, yes JIA i know you love me who doesn't:)HAHA! don't worry, i love you too:)muah! hahaha!!!! wee! im going hyper!

    this is just some random thing. i don't know why im putting this up...but oh wells:
    pigs can fly just like me!!!! weee!!!! haha!



    -6:14 PM-

    I bet the only one who is gona read my blog is anne tan! haha. Anyway, thx for helping me make my blog so nice! haha:D Feel free to post anytime you want to and add any other thing you want to. But I can't gurantee that anyone is going to read this blog ok? THANKS SO MUCH ANNE TAN! I LOVE YOU! :D


    Friday, December 28, 2007
    -11:35 AM-

    Ok... I've not blogging for a really long time I know... and thats nots because I don't have the inspiration and but because I really don't have the time. I can't tell you how packed I have been but in a good way. There's really alot of thing to blog about but I just don't know where to start. Ok how about the start of the holiday? Whao that was really long ago. Lets see what I can remember. Well I was really zealous at the start of the holiday about being a better person and doing everything that was on my list but so far, I don't think I've completed most of it. You know what I hate most about myself? Its that I lose my zeal so easily. It's like it takes me one day to lose mt zeal and when I've lost my zeal, I cannot do the thing that I am suppose to do even though I know its important and I am suppose to do it. I think I lost my zeal after the selangor trip. I mean its probably cause I didn't write in my journal for such a long time that I lost the zeal to write in it. Sigh. Mostly after the trip was training training and training. Oh and I had to do some survey giving out for my dad. I'm getting paid per hour! So thats why I didn't have time to blog. Then when training ended, I went to shen zhen so yeah... I didn't have time to blog either. Talking about Shen Zhen, I bought presents for people! If you are the following, I've bought you a christmas present:
    Jiamin &
    LOL I'm kidding. I just don't want to write the names so that I'll give you a surprise. Haha. For those who I didn't get any presents, I'm really sorry cause I didn't have enough time and money to get anything for you. I bearly had time to buy things for myself. Now that I think about it, I regret spending to much time buying presents. haha. But I guess it'll be worth it when I see the smiles on your faces when I give it to you. :D So Merry belated Christmas! I will hopefully be writing my reflection of the year and what I plan to do next year here in the next post.


    Friday, November 09, 2007
    -3:03 PM-

    Hey all,
    You know I've been reflecting about all that has happened this year and then I start to remember what I promised myself at the start of the year. 'to be a better person and to serve god every moment of my life' Well... I've been doing that alot this year. NOT. Seriously, I really gotta start keeping my promises to myself. Thankfully, this promise is just to myself and not to others. Anyway, I'm determined to be a better person this holiday and I've come up with a theory why I am such a bad person: because I do not think and reflect about what I am doing. So, I've come up with a journal that I will write in everyday so that I can reflect about what I did today and what is pleasing in god's eyes. In this book, I also write what I have to achieve by the end of the holiday and by the end of each month.
    List of things to do during the holiday:
    1. Run 3 times a week. (start off from 3km then go onto 5km.)
    -I have been neglecting this ALOT!
    - Goal to be able to run 5km with ease by the end of December.
    -Jiamin's note: FAT HOPE!

    2. Skip regularly to increase stamina(from 1000-1500-2000_
    - Is once a week regular?
    - Goal to be able to skip 2000 skips continuously by the end of december
    *note.. the above is to keep fit

    3. Be a better person
    - Call grandma regularly (visit her too)
    - Keep in touch with friends> planning a reunion with pri3 friends
    - Play with cousins who I've been neglecting
    - Community library >COMPLETED
    - Spread the word of silver ribbon. Remove stigma...
    - Preach to others>> expand?? Expand?
    - do something for the under priviledge
    - MORE?

    4. Read my new bible( which I just got yesterday) everyday and reflect on it.

    5. Earn at least 1000 dollars by the end of december :D

    6. Finish cross stitches
    - Both aunty Irene's one and cat one

    7. Build up general knowledge.
    - I did that erm... once??

    8. LOSE 5kg by the end of december

    9. Come up with a prayer list. Pray for one particular person per day.

    So what do you think of that??? I actually started it quite sometime ago but I neglected it for a while.( as always) So now, I'm going to do it again. I've decided to do all this stuff and I really must complete them. I am going to be a better person I AM! If I do anythin that seems bad to you in anyway, please tell me because I want to improve myself. I'm thinking of doing something meaningful this christmas... but I haven't planned anything for the moment. If any of you have any meaningful thing to do on Christmas day itself (because I'm going away from the 21st to the 24th...:D purposely planned so that it won't clash with squash training) please tell me. Thanks:D I am going to be a better person. I AM going to be a better person. I AM GOING to be a better person. I AM GOING TO be a better person. I AM GOING TO BE a better person. I AM GOING TO BE A better person. I AM GOING TO BE A BETTER person. I AM GOING TO BE A BETTER PERSON!!!!!!!


    Tuesday, October 23, 2007
    -1:36 PM-

    Hey all,
    Today was out annual funfair and I must say I am a little disappointed this year... I mean...really...has everyone ran out of ideas? Most of the items were the same as last year's and the year before. Besides the items, I guess this year's funfair is ok.
    [ oh btw, great haunted house 1D! I was really creeped out! haha... except that a girl started crying and the dead started to become caring and ruin all the fun. LOL vivian was crawling on the ground... I thought she was hannah. Oh and might I tell you, vivian is so mean! You know how that girl crying in there? Well, vivian GRABBED her leg. And that of course made her scream. ( ok.. I admit.. it was quite fun seeing the girl freak out like that... lol I'm so mean!) So, yeah, the atmosphere was ruined...
    :( Then Michelle was like " when you go out, pretend that it was very scary ok? Tell them that it was really good!" LOL. So Anne and I started screaming and running out. ok... my acting sucks but I tried. All in all, I found it quite scary... though... I didn't exactly hear Yvonne singing that Teng Li Jun song.] Sorry, 1H, I didn't go to yours. I didn't really feel like getting scared again.
    This year, I dyed my hair RED! Initially I wanted to dye my hair green cause it matched with my squash racket but well... there was no green... only this glittery spray and I hate getting glitter out of my hair. It's so hard. So, I went back to class, disappointed. How I got the red dye? Well, while I was in class, Stacey came in with this huge bear/dog... I can't remember... anyway, she said she had a red dye so red it was. Still, I wished she had green. HAHA. Remeber how everone said I looked like a female prostitude last year? Well this year no one said that.. but Gladys did say that I looked like a wanabe... cause I look too "guai" to do this kind of thing...( is she serious?) I guess this one would be sort of a compliment but really, can I never get my hair coloured without anyone commenting bad about it?

    Anyway, I've been reflecting about all I have done this year and stuff like that and I feel that I have changed alot, character wise. I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but I hope I have changed for the better. People say that when you are in sec one, you change the most. I certainly agree with this. I've changed alot and I know it. I guess I'm still as weird as I was before but I've found that sometimes there is a limit to hyperness and when one gets too hyper it gets rather irritating. I use to go hyper all the time and found it was ok but really, sometimes its really better to sit down quietly in class and listen to other people talk than myself. I used to want to talk alot in primary school, thinking that my opinion was never heard and all but right now, I would rather listen to other people. Somehow, I'm turning out more of an introvert in my class, (yes, I know its hard to believe wither such a loud and big mouth), though outside my class, I seem to talk more. I don't know why either. Maybe it is a good thing that I am changing my class next year.. before I turn into a full introvert.
    I've also found that my homones and emotions tend to control me. One example is squash. Sometimes when I don't have the necessary "mood" to play, I play really badly and that is not a good thing especially in competitions. If your opponent 'physco's me, I'm dead. DEAD. I don't work well under pressure or at least I used not to but this time when I studied last minute and although I was EXTREMELY pressured, I actually performed fairly well. However, I can never forget pri5. I was so pressured because everyone around was so good and competitive ( complete opposite for pri4 when I was super slacked but performed very well) So I guess this drastic change made me for a 3as, 1b student to a 1a, 3bs student. I performed that badly because everyone around was constantly studying and I felt really pressurized and if you know me well enough, when I am pressurized, I would just throw everything down and leave it. I am the kind of person who is very stuborn and if you force me to go even when a piano is going to drop on my head, I would just sit there and get ready to be crushed. But if you just leave me there to move by myself, I would happily move. I'm not sure if I've stopped becoming so stubborn but jugding by how mi forced me to study 4weeks before the exams and I procrestinated until the last 2weeks, I think I've not changed. THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING. Imagine if Sarah Heah wanted to play with my emotions that day, she could start cheering for me rather than her own team and scream "Go Jiamin, run faster! Get the ball!" Then I, being irritated with all her screaming would sit down in the middle of the court and not move until she shuts it... of course, she might not be doing it intentionally but... yeah.. it gets on my nerves. ( And I am sure Sarah would not be cheering for me if we played against her team... and that maybe a good thing too.)
    My emotions control me in rather weird ways too. Sometimes, I just come home in a very foul mood even though nothing much happened in school.(homones) Other time, when I do really well... whether in squash or results and I should be very extremely happy, I go all depressed... or so.. whatever.. Other times, I just become happy even though nothing happened at all. My homones also lessen the impact of a devasting situation. Like when the character in the show is going to die in a terrible gruesome way to save his beloved daughter or girlfriend, in normal situations, I would be crying really emotionally but in certain cases, I go "whatever" even though it is very touching and sad. This might be a good thing too. It can prevent me from getting too sad when I lose something dear to me.
    I guess this reflection has in some ways made me realise more about myself and understand myself better. I suggest you do it some time too. For me, this was done on the bus on my way back from school


    Wednesday, October 10, 2007
    -11:54 AM-

    AHHHH WHOOPPPEEE!!!! Isn't it just a lovely day? HAHAH MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Very hyper now!! haha. Anyway, the long period of studying has made me contemplate alot of the things I've been doing.. fun things that is...and things that mean alot to me. Well now tha exams was gone gone GONE, I can finally do these things that I've been dying to do. And if you have not guessed, blogging is one of them. Of course another one is to SQUASH SQUASH SQUASHIE SQUASH...don't those words seem so beatiful to you? Well maybe not you but to me it is gorgeous.So how did you people think of the exams? I think I'm gona get held back HAHA I mean really.. geog was super hard... and to think I studied soooooo hard for it. I'm gona fail. BUT I am gona take this time before getting back my results to do what I have been planning to do so that I don't waste my holiday which I really deserve. Sec1 is a killer! I think I studied harder than for PSLE haha. Alot of things have happened during this 2 weeks or so and I must say some are rather interesting. Firstly... I thought this mighht interest you...maybe a little... OK... let me relate the incident to you. As usual, I walked back home.... except that today, I was much happier than usual because... you know why:D, anyway, I rang the bell and waited....and rang again.. and waited... after ringing for 15 mins and waiting, I knew something was wrong... like... maybe.... MY MAID RAN AWAY AND LOCK THE GATE MAGICALLY WITH SOME SORT OF VOODOO MAGIC... so anyway, I got really frustrated so, I digged into my bag to call mi but realised that I DID NOT BRING MY HANDPHONE! DIE lar! So with my genius mind, a came up with a genius idea. I climbed onto the green railing near the bell and onto the place near the lamp then JUMP into the house (note: don't try this at my home) so now my legs are all feeble and suan. Oh and you know what apprently my voodoo magic maid was washing m brother's toliet thats why she could not hear the bell. Moral of the story: always bring your handphone. (Hmm...if my maid could not hear the bell how would she be able to hear the phone ring?) Oh yes.. speaking of my brother, you know he dyed his hair brownish-BLOND! LOL he looks like a gay Jap guy now.. haha. Oh and worse, he was caught by the vice principal and sent home! LOL! Ok... on to the next interesting thing that happened during this 2weeks or so... you know how my parents are super flicker minded people who always change their mind again and again and again? Well, they want to move house AGAIN and we are planning to move into a condo WITH A SQUASH COURT!!!!! So, I've decided to help them sell the house cause I want to squash court. Oh... and a get a 0.5-1% comission.... which is about $40, 000.00 lol! XD (though I doubt my dad will keep his promise.) So I am gona set up a blog especially to sell that house. Look out of it and spread the word ok? One last thing.... go to my otehr blog later.... something might interest you:D Okies... I guess thats all.. all the best to those whose exams are not over yet!( Btw, what are you doing reading my blog if your exams are not over? Go study lar!)
